Probably the most critical part of the project is the fact that it is a 45 000 m2 flat, plain space and that it was never structured before. Before it became concrete desert it was a meadow. So there was not much things to hold on to except the structures and their functions texture and the street grids surrounding it. We started the project by elimination of space which should be left empty because of its potential function of a knot inside the site.
It is easy to predict that any residential building placed on the Kadıköy site would (immediately or by the time) be transferred into mixed use buildings as the ones surrounding the site and that fact was a pathway that lead to again think of undefined spaces in apartment buildings: staircases and corridors, because if we are predicting the very possible commercial use of the collective residential buildings, we had to define spaces which would be used as connectors between residential and commercial spots.
Since the idea made in Şişli was just a proposal for which realization the building would have to be reorganized, we wondered whether the idea developed in Şişli could be injected into a collective residential project in Kadıköy. So shortly, the idea for Kadıköy was to take the idea developed in Şişli and apply it as an important element in Kadıköy project so that again, by means of public and private, we could try to define undefined spaces by minimizing their number and carrying them out of the core. By that . The aim was to create a partly adaptive space which would develop by its usage, to form a living skeleton after its users are integrated.
Each building block is settled on its grid which forms its construction with beams and columns. Vertical circulation cores containing stairs and elevators are integrated into the buildings construction grid and are connected to horizontal public circulation which is multiplied vertically. Living spaces are part of living units or flats, and they are connected to the horizontal public circulation by semi-private areas which guide users to the entrances of living spaces. Vertical circulation cores go down to 0 and -4m where they connect with the public area with its commercial spots and public transportation. Living units or flats are designed in few types for to be used by different profiles and in different purposes.
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